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Households worldwide produce about 2.3 kilograms (5 pounds) of waste daily. Of that total, only about 1kg (2.2 pounds) is compostable material. The rest consists of food scraps and other materials that must be disposed of.

The good news is that there are many ways to deal with this mountain of trash responsibly and sustainably. Here are just a few:

Composting: When you mix organic matter such as leaves, fruit peels, grass clippings, and kitchen wastes into an organically integrated pile called a compost heap or composter, your backyard will start to transform these wastes into fertile soil over time. If you don’t have access to a yard or space for a compost heap/composter, consider purchasing an indoor unit designed for residential use.

– Recycling: Nearly two-thirds (62%)of all municipal solid waste in North America is recycled, according to the EPA’s National Solid Waste Management Strategy 2012-2022 report. This means that recycling certain materials can reduce our need for new resources like raw metals and plastics while creating jobs throughout the recycling process chain. There are several different types of recyclable materials, so make sure to check with your local municipality before starting any kind of recycling campaign at home

What is Household Hazardous waste?

Proper disposal of household hazardous waste can help prevent environmental damage and disposal costs. Household hazardous waste includes paint, oil, gas, and flammable liquids. It can also include broken glass, electronic equipment, and pesticides.

What is General Household waste?

Household waste is any material created and thrown away by people in their homes. This can include garbage, recycling, and compostable materials. 

Some common types of household waste are: 

Garbage: This includes food scraps, paper products, plastics, and other materials that are not recyclable. 

Recycling: This includes plastics, aluminium cans, glass bottles and jars, cardboard boxes, and newspapers. 

Compostable materials: These include meat bones, egg cartons, plant leaves and flowers, and food wrappers.

What are examples of Household Waste?

Household waste includes materials used to make the home, such as furniture, curtains, and linens. Food that has been discarded, such as leftovers and expired food. Finally, waste can include materials generated during daily activities, such as hair care products and cleaning supplies.

There are several ways to reduce household waste. For example, it is recommended that people limit the amount of food they throw away and recycle their garbage. Additionally, people can use less packaging when buying products or packing their food for travel. These small changes can add up over time and result in significantly less household waste.

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